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Hey guys, what’s up? I’m ready to start my personal July project. I thought it will be cool to create a series of artworks with Hindu gods. Last time it was Lord Hanuman and the new artwork will be about Lord Ganesha. I really want to make it more liquid and fluid than usual and […]

Tag Archives: drawing

Hey everyone! I have not made inspiration posts for about a year now. But today is an exception. I’ve stumbled upon Lee Tatlock’s crazy, trippy, psychedelic f@cked up comics yesterday and I have to show them to you! Dive into the post to see the showcase of some of Lee’s creations and a link to his Deviant Art page where you can check out PDF versions of his comics. Enjoy!

Hey everyone! Today I’d like to tell you about one youtube channel I’ve been subscribed to for several months and I find it very useful. You might already heard about it ’cause it has more than 440 000 subscribers. Anyway, here it is – Draw with Jazza. Jazza is an artist from Australia who runs this educational channel. I’ve described some of my personal experience of interrelating with it within the post.

Hey guys! Here some recent psychedelic t-shirt designs. I continue my studies of animals. This time I was trying to make some wolf faces of natural patterns – plants and mushrooms.

Hey guys! Today inspiration post features Sander Jansen from Netherlands and his little dudes. I really enjoyed these horrible cuties and I hope you will too!)

Hey everyone. I continue the pattern theme I’ve started yesterday. This time the art I’d like to share with you comes from the UK. Angela Porter is a self-taught artist who finds inspiration in Nature and converts it to tranquil and meditative artworks. Dive in!

Hey everyone! Today I’ve brought you some very trippy shit. Sorry for my language, but had not seen much dark psychedelic art for a while and this one has really impressed me. It’s not hardcore but you’ll know what I mean when you see it 🙂

Hey guys! Here is a bunch of colourful trippy traditional art drawings by Liquid Mushroom. Very relaxing and happy art. Enjoy!

Hey guys! Today I’d like to show you my new artwork I did for Earth Star – a psychedelic flyer and poster. The name of the party is Union of Spirit, so we decided to have a union of dwarfs as symbol for reggae band that plays at the upcoming gig and elves for the psytrance DJs. You’ll find some sketches, the final artwork, closeups and the flyer within the post.

Всем привет! Сегодня я хочу показать вам мою новую работу – психоделический флаер для Earth Star. Название вечеринки можно перевести как Единство Духа. Мы с ирландскими товарищами решили, что изображать это единство будут гномы, как символ регги-группы, выступающей на вечеринке, и эльфы – псайтрансовые диджеи. Внутри поста я выложил эскизы, финальный фоновый рисунок, пару крупных планов и сам флаер.

Hey people! Today I’d like to show you visionary paintings by Otto Rapp – a great artist from Austria. His paintings resemble living multi-cellar organisms – they are highly detailed, consist of flexible shapes and out of this world attitude.

Привет друзья! Сегодняшний пост посвящен визионерскому искусству Otto Rapp – великолепного художника из Австрии. Его живопись напоминает живые многоклеточные организмы – его картины полны деталей, состоят из множества подвижных и эластичных форм и обладают внеземной атмосферой.

Hey guys! Today I’d like to show you funny trippy doodles by Lutamesta – a psychedelic artist from Japan. I find these pictures a bit naive but very emotional. I like this style a lot ’cause almost anyone can do it. All you need is good paper, thin marker and patience!)

Всем привет! Хочу вам сегодня показать несколько глючных рисунков Lutamesta – психоделического художника (цы?) из Японии. Работы эти, на мой вкус, несколько наивные и от того очень эмоциональны. Мне очень нравится этот стиль тем, что он не требует особых навыков и очень многие могут попробовать себя в нем – тут главное хорошая бумага, тонкий маркер и усидчивость!)

Hey people! Today I’d like to introduce to you a very interesting artist from Russia – Limbic Splitter. Being a bit tired of digital art I truly enjoy watching his traditional psychedelic art drawings. You can find tones of beautifully drawn details and scenes within Limbic Splitter‘s art.

Love, joy, ecstasy, peace and Nature are all there. Enjoy!

Hey guys! I’m not going to bother you with long post today – just trippy psychedelic illustrations by Luis Miguel Torres from Mexico.

Hi psychedelic community! Hope you had a great New Year! So the posting goes on and today I’d like to share some trippy drawings from Australia by Shiptushaboo.

Several years ago I did not know anything about psychedelic art. So when I first met it I could not really define it. But I totally fell in love with what others called psychedelic art. First it was a hobby but now I’m trying to make it my full-time job. Still the question is out there: What is psychedelic art?

Hey people! This inspiration pack is dedicated to Nagas. Check out the four amazing artworks and a very meditative HD video within the post. Get inspired and make some art with snakes. These creatures bodies are extremely graphic. You can easily make a beautiful illustration or a painting featuring their curves and texture.

Laura Borealisis is a young and very talented artist from Portland (USA). This post is a showcase of Laura’s colorful pencil drawings. Have fun watching ’em!

Here comes the third Traditional Trip inspiration pack.
7 different artist use different media but they all have that very familiar trippy feeling. Maybe except for the Angkor Wat painting which is right below) Enjoy!

Hey friends! Check out this small but tough psychedelic creatures collection! Created by different artist, using various techniques and mediums, these supernatural being will bring joy and creativity to the upcoming weekend!

Hey people! This psychedelic inspiration post is dedicated to the art of Luke aka Raccoonsounds. He’s an artist from New Orleans, USA. What I personally adore about his art is the sunny and friendly light that shines through his drawings. Enjoy!

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