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She still remembers when she was struggling.

There was a time when she was rejected from Art School because she was told she was not good enough to join when she was young.

She didn’t have the potential they needed.

Join us and find out what it feels to see yourself actually improving, until one day, you finish a drawing, hold it up and with a big smile you think to yourself:

“I never thought I could draw something like this, it’s finally happening”

enroll now

A training specially tailored for beginners who:

If this is you, watch this video.

In this training, Precia will teach you techniques that allow you to adapt any style you want:

Whatever you choose, Precia can help you improve in your favorite style and develop your own techniques.

When you larn to draw anything you can imagine, you become like a hero with extraordinary power – someone who can transform their imagination into a drawing that others can like and admire.

“I give up! I don’t have the discipline! It’s too much!”

You will see experts making it look so easy, but when you try drawing what they are doing, you realize that…

Our drawings might sometimes look so bad that we get rid of them quickly.

We don’t want anyone to see our “garbage”.

“I never showed my art to anybody. I wasn’t really confident about it, especially when I was starting out. There was this feeling like shyness or like, I am not confident enough. But then everything changed…”

“There’s no clear structure, there’s no clear path on what you are doing, where you are going, and you don’t have anyone to guide you or tell you if what you are doing is correct or not. You can do all the drawings they suggest but you don’t really know if you are on the right track.”

If feels amazing when people who thought you couldn’t do it, finally accept that you are actually pretty good at it.

After you make significant progress, your friends and family will start to notice, and trust me, their reactions will be priceless.

In a live class I gave, for 80% of the students there, drawing was just a Side Gig (me included) – most of us had jobs, were going to school studying something unrelated to art, or were full time moms.

In my case, I am a full time teacher in 2DA101, so I have little time to keep improving my drawings – and yet, I am improving bit by bit!

I just focus on practicing at least 1 single drawing a day.

And If I have little time, I just start sketching something, and leave it for tomorrow.

You can do the same and improve bit by bit, day by day like I do!

Not at all! You can become a GREAT ARTIST ON THE SIDE!

Look at this improvement from a full time Accountant from Africa who doesn’t have hours to invest in drawing– Waylon Meyers

This is how he used to draw:

Then he improved bit by bit, day by day, and look at his drawings now:

I am here to tell you, THIS… is possible.

And by THIS… I mean drawing like a pro even if you have a full-time job, even if you can’t spent countless hours drawing.

Keep reading to learn how.

If you are used to watching other artists and think to yourself: “Oh, I wish I could do that…”“

Then this training is for you EVEN IF YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO DRAW, and even if you DON’T HAVE THE TIME.

You don’t have to know how to draw, and you don’t have to have the time, but you DO HAVE TO WANT IT.

These are drawings delivered by students who got started drawing every single day, and now they are improving bit by bit.

That will keep the drawing habit alive!

Because in our school we follow this sequence:

If drawing daily is not a habit for you yet, along with this bootcamp, you can join the 30-Day Challenge (included in the training) where you will learn powerful secrets from:

These powerful secrets will show you how easy it is get a 30 day streak of drawing every day.

It all starts with a single circle a day.

We specialize in helping people with no drawing skills who don’t draw everyday because they can’t find the time.

We show them how easy it is to do little practical life-style adjustments to make room for daily drawing, and when major breakthroughs become possible, they get a rush of motivation that keeps them going and going.

We specialize in helping people with no drawing skills who don’t draw everyday because they can’t find the time.

We show them how easy it is to do little practical life-style adjustments to make room for daily drawing, and when major breakthroughs become possible, they get a rush of motivation that keeps them going and going.

An industry expert who, like us, also believe in beginners.

Today, she is a professional character designer who has been hired for video games, animated movies, and comics.

A lot of experts make it look easy but don’t really understand beginners with no drawing skills.

She still remembers when she was struggling.

There was a time when she was rejected from Art School because she was told she was not good enough to join when she was young.

She didn’t have the potential they needed.

That is why she is very understanding, respectful, and supportive of every beginner, and why she believes in all of them.

Eventually she refined her skills and was hired for the first time as an artist for a magazine in Poland.

(Portrait made by Precia)

Get Instruction from a respectful teacher who believes in you.

Get Instruction from a respectful teacher who believes in you.

Invest from 5 to 10 minutes a day drawing the challenges.

Invest from 5 to 10 minutes a day drawing the challenges.

See yourself actually improving in months instead of years.

See yourself actually improving in months instead of years

And remember if one day you don’t have time to draw for 5 minutes, then just draw a single circle, it only takes 5 seconds!

This will help to keep the habit alive, and you can easily return to your training the next day.

Together we can master drawing faces and emotional expressions.

Join us. This community is a place where you interact with others and have fun together. A place with no backbiting – Why? because you are not trying to beat others and become better than them.

2DA101 is a place where students support each other. A place where you don’t compete against others, you only compete against yourself.

Seeing people with less skills than you getting better and seeing them growing is so inspiring that you keep going and going because you know is also possible for you.

You see others struggle, share their fears and insecurities, and then you realize: “Heck! I feel the same too!” And then you start supporting each other and growing together.

Students have experienced a great response and support in less than 24 hrs thanks to our active members, certified instructors, and admins who visit the group regularly.

“Is there any experience required before starting this bootcamp?”


Precia will be covering each part in a way that any beginner can follow along.

This is an example of a screenshot from a class where Precia was giving feedback and tips to improve to Ian, one of our students who delivered this original character.

If anything is unclear, we will be providing support with Certified Instructors to help you through chat or live sessions (depending on your time available and the availability of the certified instructors).

The point of this training is for beginners to get started with drawing faces using the techniques, tutorials and references provided in this training.

Of course, if you have some drawing experience you will get even better results.

1. Have or Create a FREE Discord Account to deliver your homework (this is really optional, but students who don’t do their homework don’t get results)

2a. Have a Smartphone with Camera to take pictures of your drawings done with pencil and paper.


2b. Have a drawing tablet to draw digitally (no specific tablets are required, as long as you can draw and deliver the homework).

*For a Drawing Tablet, no specific software or app (if using mobile) is required. Again, as long as the app or software allows you to draw and export the image, any app or software will do.

We define a true beginner as someone with:

We got you covered! Included in this training is a 30-Day Challenge that teaches you how to do effective practice, and how to draw daily.

You don’t need talent, skills, patience, discipline or a lot of time to draw a single circle.

A lot of our students procrastinate the “getting a drawing session started” — so from tons of testimonials, students have told us than just sitting down to draw a single circle everyday, easily transforms into half an hour a day, and even sometimes hours a day, depending on their availability.

Remember, if you are a TRUE BEGINNER, you need to focus on building the habit first, skill building will come later (3-5 weeks later).

Think of it as a journey in 3 stages:

Here is what is most likely going to happen. On week 3, you will expand your practice to 7-10 minutes, and you won’t even feel it.

Then you will expand it to around 30 mins, and that is when you will be up for the races.

30 mins a day doing specific assignments will help you get enough progress.

After that, you’ll see how easy it is to believe that you can do this – This will be the skill building stage.

Once you are a believer, you will start putting up to an hour a day (or more) without much effort. You will do it simply because you enjoy it.

If you don’t have time to draw is only because you haven’t tried my Drawing while eating”“ principle (especially useful for busy people like you and me).

My big discovery was when I realized that when I was eating, I would have to wait around 20 seconds while chewing food, with my hands doing nothing, just waiting for me to swallow and put in the next bite.

I then experimented with little 20 second intervals, bringing a sheet of paper, and drawing while I was chewing food.

That’s when I became a believer.

Now, because I need to keep eating everyday to stay alive, and also because of my new belief of “eating without drawing is boring”, even in my busiest days, I practice 30 to 60 mins a day without much effort (That’s a fast breakfast, fast lunch and fast dinner).

Even with family, I can be chewing, drawing and talking with my brother (or rather listening, it’s impolite to speak with your mouth full).

Drawing while eating has made my life way more enjoyable, and best of all, ANYBODY CAN DO THIS!


This training will go live on March 2021, starting on Monday, March 7 at 10:00 PM Poland Time – (check the table below to see the different timezones).

If you can’t attent live, no problem!

Sessions will last around 2 hrs, but those long sessions will be split into small clips so you can check them topic by topic, instead of having to sit down for 2 hrs (perfect for those who can dedicate around 15 mins a day to learn).

This is so you can go through the program at your own pace.

All assignments can be delivered at any time on the discord server.

In there you can get feedback from the community, our certified instructors and admins.

Draw at least 5 heads in different angles

Draw at least 5 different eyes in your favorite style

Draw at least 5 Noses in different angles in your favorite style

Draw at least 5 Mouths in different angles in your favorite style

Draw at least 5 Ears in different angles in your favorite style

Draw at least 5 Heads with Hair in different angles in your favorite style

Draw at least 5 Haircuts

Draw a full turnaround

Optional – Animate that turnaround frame by frame with 1-2 inbetweens

Draw at least 5 Heads with Faces in Advanced Angles

Draw at least 1 Face and do basic shading (or practice a bit of painting)

Draw at least 5 Stylized Face Expressions (full head, face and hair)

Draw at least 5 Different Character Expressions that show personality

We follow a 3-stage system that works because it has been battle-tested for 4 years (since 2018)

If for any reason you don’t see any results after going through the program, doing the exercises and getting support from the discord community and our certified instructors, we will give you your money back and you get to keep the course for free.

We are the only school to back up our claims with a life-time guarantee.

We offer a 30-day satisfaction money back guarantee, no questions asked.

If for any reason, you decide you didn’t like the course, we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

1 year from now, some students will have new skills that will have their family and friends impressed saying: “I didn’t know you could do that!”

And others will still be stuck watching how others draw amazing things while they think to themselves: “Damn, I wish I could do that…”.

Which one do you want to be?

Hey, if the year is going to happen anyway, why not give it a try and become the one who gets the improvement.

Because of our guarantee, you get to even go through the entire program and THEN decide if you like it or not.

(And also, remember we are the only school to back up our claims with a life-time guarantee)


The live sessions start on Monday, March 7 at 2:00 PM MST (Mountain Time). You can check the times in your timezone here.

Testimonials, we have plenty from students.

You can check Waylon’s Story here.

But if you are skeptic of testimonials and you prefer scientific studies, you can check out these books: Tiny Habits by BG Fogg, Atomic Habits by James Clear, Nudging by Richard Thaler, The Brain that Changes itself by Norman Doidge, Change your Brain Change You Life by Daniel Amen.

These books have tons of research on brain science and behavioral design that we include in our training and support.

Yes. Because we are the only school so far that is taking into account BEHAVIORAL DESIGN.

We know from experience and from scientific research that MORE information doesn’t help beginners, what they need is to go through the 3 phases we designed: Habit Building, Skill Building and Style Building.

If you are a true beginner, you start on Habit Building applying the principles from BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits. You start drawing 2 minutes a day.

You don’t need talent, skills, patience, discipline or time to put 2 little minutes of drawing a day.

Starting with 2 minutes a day, I went from being fat, to being fit. Learn more about it here where I talk about how Waylon came back stronger than ever, and how I changed my life with a tiny 2-minute habit..

If for any reason you don’t understand some concepts or techniques taught in this bootcamp, you can reach out for support or to our certified instructors 1on1 to get help.

Falling behind is completely normal.

The bootcamp will be fast paced, but you will be able to come back to the material at your own time, and with the support of our team and certified instructors, we guarantee you will eventually understand and master each concept.

If you don’t have time to draw is only because you haven’t tried my “Drawing while eating” principle (especially useful for busy people like you and me).

My big discovery was when I realized that when I was eating, I would have to wait around 20 seconds while chewing food, with my hands doing nothing, just waiting for me to swallow and put in the next bite.

I then experimented with little 20 second intervals, bringing a sheet of paper, and drawing while I was chewing food.

That’s when I became a believer.

Now, because I need to keep eating everyday to stay alive, and also because of my new belief of “eating without drawing is boring”, even in my busiest days, I practice 30 to 60 mins a day without much effort (That’s a fast breakfast, fast lunch and fast dinner).

Even with family, I can be chewing, drawing and talking with my brother (or rather listening, it’s impolite to speak with your mouth full).

Drawing while eating has made my life way more enjoyable, and best of all, ANYBODY CAN DO THIS!


All sessions will be recorded and edited to be uploaded to our school in clips for your convenience.

Sessions will last for 2 hrs, but they will be split into short 5-10 min clips. (That means it will be the same 2 hrs of content, but instead of a single long video, you will get multiple short clips that sum up to 2 hrs of content).

That way you can go through the program at your own pace.

All assignments can be delivered at any time on the discord server and will be reviewed by certified instructors to guide you along the way.

That is why we added an entire year of 1on1 feedback through our discord server.

This 3-stage system works because we have been working hard on it and has been battle-tested for 3 years (since 2018): Habit Building, Skill Building, Style Building.

If for any reason you don’t see any results after going through the program, doing the exercises and getting from the discord community and our certified instructors, we will give you your money back and you get to keep the course for free.

We are the only school to back up our claims with a life-time guarantee.

The only condition is that you have to show us the work you put in. Remember, not contacting our certified instructors or asking for help will invalidate this guarantee.

In short, you will get out what you put in. The program only works if you do.

We offer a 30-day satisfaction money back guarantee, no questions asked.

If you are unsatisfied with the program, we will give you a full money refund.

You can use either one!

The principles you will learn here can be applied with pencil and paper, or with a drawing tablet.

There will be only one section of this course where Precia will teach basic digital painting when she covers shading, but that can also be applied to traditional pencil and paper.

Precia uses Photoshop, most of the techniques you will learn can be applied in any software or with pencil and paper.

No deadline. You can deliver at your own time.

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.


This is course is offered exclusively on 2DAnimation101.


After the live sessions, once we upload the edited clips to our school, you will be able to download all lessons for offline access.

You will love it, or your money back.

You will love it, or your money back.

You are watching: Face Drawing Mastery in Any Style. Info created by Gemma selection and synthesis along with other related topics.