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Draw the structure of Haworth formula of sucrose.





Select the most correct choice.

A disulphide link gives rise to the following structure of a protein.

Give scientific reasons:

On boiling egg albumin becomes opaque white.

Write the names and schematic representations of all the possible dipeptides formed from alanine, glycine and tyrosine.

Draw a neat diagram for the following:

Zwitter ion

Draw a neat diagram for the following:

Secondary structure of protein

Draw a neat diagram for the following:

Enzyme catalysis

The optically inactive α-amino acid among the following is _____________

The chemical nature of peptide bond in proteins is ____________

In the process of denaturation, there is NO change in the structure following protein.

Write the structure of Zwitterion of alanine.

Write the number of chiral carbon atoms present in fructose.

Complete the following reaction.

\[\ce{H2N – CH2 – COOH + H2N – CH2 – CH2 – COOH ->[-H2O] ?}\]

Define peptide bond.

Explain denaturation of proteins.

Define enzyme.

Write industrial application of enzyme catalysis.

Explain globular and fibrous proteins with example.

Define α-amino acids.

Explain the primary structure of proteins.

From the following identify the INCORRECT match with respect to the different structures of proteins.

____________ is NOT a simple protein.

Nucleotide differs from a nucleoside as it has ______

Pyrimidines are ______.

Histones are involved in packaging of DNA into structural units called ______.

Identify the option that correctly describes the amphoteric nature of proteins.

Choose the WRONG statement from the following.

Identify (i) and (ii) and select the correct option.

i. Protein portion of the enzyme is called the ____________.

ii. Non-protein constituent binding to the enzyme is called as the ____________.

Which of the following is NOT a protein?

Proteins are polypeptides with linear chains of i ______ linked by ii ______ bonds.

Identify the enzyme X in the following reaction.

\[\ce{H2O2(aq) ->[x] H2O(l) + \frac{1}{2} O2(g)}\]

Which among the following amino acids has lowest molar mass?

Which of the following amino acids has \[\ce{Me – S – CH2 – CH2 -}\] group in the side chain?

The amino acid having −CH3 as side chain is ____________.

The basic amino acid is ____________.

The molecular weight of hemoglobin is ______ Daltons.

The number of proteins in an average human cell is over ______.

The most abundant cellular protein is ______.

Proteins attached with a prosthetic group are called ______ proteins.

If side-chain group-R for amino acid is -CH2OH, identify the amino acid from following?

Which of the following amino acids has –CH2OH group in its side chain?

In a protein, various amino acids linked together by ____________.

Among the following the achiral amino acid is:

Which of the following statement is not correct?

Write a short note on peptide bond.

Write the Zwitter ion structure of alanine.

Write a short note on peptide bond.

Short Answer Question.

Write the Zwitter ion structure of alanine.

Write the Zwitter ion structure of alanine.

Write a short note on peptide bond.

Write a short note on peptide bond.

You are watching: Draw the structure of Haworth formula of sucrose. – Chemistry. Info created by Gemma selection and synthesis along with other related topics.