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Draw the line segment AB = 5cm. From the point A draw a line segment AD = 6cm making an angle of 60° with AB. Draw a perpendicular bisector of AD. Select the correct figure.


  • None of these




ΔRST ~ ΔUAY, In ΔRST, RS = 6 cm, ∠S = 50°, ST = 7.5 cm. The corresponding sides of ΔRST and ΔUAY are in the ratio 5 : 4. Construct ΔUAY.

Divide a line segment of length 9 cm internally in the ratio 4 : 3. Also, give justification of the construction.

Draw a right triangle ABC in which AC = AB = 4.5 cm and ∠A = 90°. Draw a triangle similar to ΔABC with its sides equal to (5/4)th of the corresponding sides of ΔABC.

Draw a right triangle in which the sides (other than hypotenuse) are of lengths 5 cm and 4 cm. Then construct another triangle whose sides are 5/3th times the corresponding sides of the given triangle.

Draw a line segment of length 7.6 cm and divide it in the ratio 5:8. Measure the two parts.

Construct the circumcircle and incircle of an equilateral ∆XYZ with side 6.5 cm and centre O. Find the ratio of the radii of incircle and circumcircle.

∆PQR ~ ∆LTR. In ∆PQR, PQ = 4.2 cm, QR = 5.4 cm, PR = 4.8 cm. Construct ∆PQR and ∆LTR, such that `”PQ”/”LT” = 3/4`.

∆AMT ~ ∆AHE. In ∆AMT, AM = 6.3 cm, ∠TAM = 50°, AT = 5.6 cm. `”AM”/”AH” = 7/5`. Construct ∆AHE.

∆ABC ~ ∆LBN. In ∆ABC, AB = 5.1 cm, ∠B = 40°, BC = 4.8 cm, \[\frac{AC}{LN} = \frac{4}{7}\]. Construct ∆ABC and ∆LBN.

Construct ∆PYQ such that, PY = 6.3 cm, YQ = 7.2 cm, PQ = 5.8 cm. If \[\frac{YZ}{YQ} = \frac{6}{5},\] then construct ∆XYZ similar to ∆PYQ.

Find the ratio in which point T(–1, 6)divides the line segment joining the points P(–3, 10) and Q(6, –8).

Find the ratio in which point P(k, 7) divides the segment joining A(8, 9) and B(1, 2). Also find k.

Find the co-ordinates of the points of trisection of the line segment AB with A(2, 7) and B(–4, –8).

If A(–14, –10), B(6, –2) is given, find the coordinates of the points which divide segment AB into four equal parts.

Given A(4, –3), B(8, 5). Find the coordinates of the point that divides segment AB in the ratio 3 : 1.

Δ SHR ∼ Δ SVU. In Δ SHR, SH = 4.5 cm, HR = 5.2 cm, SR = 5.8 cm and
SHSV = 53 then draw Δ SVU.

Δ AMT ∼ ΔAHE. In Δ AMT, MA = 6.3 cm, ∠MAT = 120°, AT = 4.9 cm, `(MA)/(HA) = 7/5`. construct Δ AHE.

Find the co-ordinates of the centroid of the Δ PQR, whose vertices are P(3, –5), Q(4, 3) and R(11, –4)

Draw seg AB of length 9.7 cm. Take a point P on it such that A-P-B, AP = 3.5 cm. Construct a line MN ⊥ sag AB through point P.

Find the ratio in which the segment joining the points (1, –3) and (4, 5) is divided by the x-axis? Also, find the coordinates of this point on the x-axis.

Points P and Q trisect the line segment joining the points A(−2, 0) and B(0, 8) such that P is near to A. Find the coordinates of points P and Q.

Choose the correct alternative:

______ number of tangents can be drawn to a circle from the point on the circle.

Choose the correct alternative:

In the figure ΔABC ~ ΔADE then the ratio of their corresponding sides is ______

Choose the correct alternative:

∆ABC ∼ ∆AQR. `”AB”/”AQ” = 7/5`, then which of the following option is true?

∆ABC ~ ∆PBQ. In ∆ABC, AB = 3 cm, ∠B = 90°, BC = 4 cm. Ratio of the corresponding sides of two triangles is 7: 4. Then construct ∆ABC and ∆PBQ

ΔRHP ~ ΔNED, In ΔNED, NE = 7 cm, ∠D = 30°, ∠N = 20° and `”HP”/”ED” = 4/5`. Then construct ΔRHP and ΔNED

Construct an equilateral ∆ABC with side 5 cm. ∆ABC ~ ∆LMN, ratio the corresponding sides of triangle is 6 : 7, then construct ΔLMN and ΔABC

ΔAMT ~ ΔAHE. In ΔAMT, AM = 6.3 cm, ∠MAT = 120°, AT = 4.9 cm, `”AM”/”HA” = 7/5`, then construct ΔAMT and ΔAHE

ΔABC ~ ΔPBR, BC = 8 cm, AC = 10 cm , ∠B = 90°, `”BC”/”BR” = 5/4` then construct ∆ABC and ΔPBR

If the point P (6, 7) divides the segment joining A(8, 9) and B(1, 2) in some ratio, find that ratio


Point P divides segment AB in the ratio m: n.

A(8, 9) = (x1, y1), B(1, 2 ) = (x2, y2) and P(6, 7) = (x, y)

Using Section formula of internal division,

∴ 7 = `(“m”(square) – “n”(9))/(“m” + “n”)`

∴ 7m + 7n = `square` + 9n

∴ 7m – `square` = 9n – `square`

∴ `square` = 2n

∴ `”m”/”n” = square`

A point C divides a line segment AB in the ratio 5 : 6. The ratio of lengths AB: BC is ______.

What is the ratio `(AC)/(BC)` for the following construction: A line segment AB is drawn. A single ray is extended from A and 12 arcs of equal lengths are cut, cutting the ray at A1, A2… A12.A line is drawn from A12 to B and a line parallel to A12B is drawn, passing through the point A6 and cutting AB at C.

Draw a line segment of length 7.5 cm and divide it in the ratio 1:3.

Draw a line segment AB of length 6 cm and mark a point X on it such that AX = `4/5` AB. [Use a scale and compass]

You are watching: Draw the line segment AB = 5cm. From the point A draw a line segment AD = 6cm making an angle of 60° with AB. Draw a perpendicular bisector of AD. Select the correct figure. – Mathematics. Info created by Gemma selection and synthesis along with other related topics.